Does Botox or Dysport Last Longer?

Learn about the similarities and differences between Botox and Dysport injections and how to decide which one is right for you.

Does Botox or Dysport Last Longer?

On average, a Dysport injection will last three to four months, while a Botox treatment can last four to six. Both use the same neurotoxin to prevent creases and lines from forming on the skin, but they have small differences that can affect their duration. Prescription Dysport is an injection used to temporarily improve the appearance of moderate to severe brow lines without changing the appearance of the entire face. Untreated facial muscles continue to function normally, allowing you to freely show facial expressions, such as smiling, in untreated areas.

An injection at each of the 5 points above the eyebrows can help temporarily improve the appearance of the moderate to severe lines between the eyebrows. Dysport provides results that can't be achieved with over-the-counter products and creams. The standard treatment of the glabella may require up to 20 units with Botox, while the same correction translates into 45 units of Dysport (1 unit of Botox = 2.25 units of Dysport). Both Botox and Dysport are neurotoxins that are chemically similar and produce comparable results when used for cosmetic purposes.

As for medical use, since Botox is approved and studied more to treat medical conditions, providers tend to opt for Botox instead of Dysport for conditions such as chronic migraines or hyperhidrosis. Botox is a neurotoxin called onabotulinumtoxin and Dysport is a neurotoxin called abobotulinumtoxin. Botox and Dysport are most effective when used on dynamic lines, those that appear when you frown or raise your eyebrows, for example. Bielfield says that you can see the results of Dysport as soon as three days after treatment, since Dysport is a smaller molecule and can be deposited in the muscle faster than Botox.

Here's what you need to know about the similarities and differences between Botox and Dysport, and how to decide which one you should choose. Dysport offers some advantages, such as faster results, but Botox might be a better option if you choose to use the neurotoxin for medical uses. For those looking for more youthful-looking skin and fewer wrinkles, injectable neurotoxins such as Botox offer promising results. People who have neuromuscular disorders, are allergic to the ingredients in Botox or Dysport, or are pregnant or breastfeeding should avoid using these injections.

Penelope Mataalii
Penelope Mataalii

Unapologetic writer. Total twitter expert. General internet maven. Travel buff. Avid social media nerd.