Can You Build Up a Tolerance to Dysport?

The truth is that when you receive consecutive treatments, your body can become tolerant to the neurotoxin which can make the treatment less effective over time. Learn more about how to reduce the risk of developing a tolerance to Dysport.

Can You Build Up a Tolerance to Dysport?

The truth is that when you receive consecutive treatments, your body can become tolerant to the neurotoxin, which can make the treatment less effective over time. Although there are measures taken to prevent it, a small number of patients can still develop immunity to Botox. Fortunately, there are non-surgical alternatives to Botox that may be more successful.


and Xeomin, while both derived from the same root toxin as Botox, have different molecular structures and can be effective in cases where Botox injections fail.

It is important to note that developing a tolerance to Dysport is possible, but it is not as common as with Botox. This is because Dysport has a different molecular structure than Botox, which makes it harder for the body to become tolerant. However, if you are receiving regular treatments with Dysport, it is possible that your body will become tolerant over time. If you are concerned about developing a tolerance to Dysport, there are some steps you can take to reduce the risk.

First, make sure you are receiving treatments from a qualified and experienced provider. This will ensure that the injections are being administered correctly and that the correct dosage is being used. Additionally, it is important to follow your provider's instructions for aftercare and follow-up visits. This will help ensure that your treatments are effective and that any potential issues are addressed quickly.

It is also important to remember that developing a tolerance to Dysport does not mean that you cannot receive any more treatments. If you do develop a tolerance, your provider may recommend switching to another type of injectable or trying a different dosage of Dysport. Additionally, there are other non-surgical alternatives such as laser treatments or chemical peels that may be more effective for you. Overall, developing a tolerance to Dysport is possible but not as common as with Botox.

If you are concerned about developing a tolerance, it is important to make sure you are receiving treatments from a qualified and experienced provider and following their instructions for aftercare and follow-up visits.

Penelope Mataalii
Penelope Mataalii

Unapologetic writer. Total twitter expert. General internet maven. Travel buff. Avid social media nerd.