How Many Units of Dysport Do You Need for Forehead and 11s?

Learn how many units of Dysport you need for your forehead wrinkles and 11s. Find out how long it takes for Dysport injections to take effect and how routine injections can help you get better results.

How Many Units of Dysport Do You Need for Forehead and 11s?

The amount of Dysport you need for your forehead and 11s varies depending on the depth of the wrinkles, the results you want to see, and your individual reaction to the treatment. The manufacturer of Botox Cosmetic, Allegran, recommends starting with 20 units of Botox to be injected into the forehead. Inject 4 Botox units at each of the five injection sites on the forehead. Your authorized Botox injector will mention that the number of Botox units on the forehead varies from person to person and depends on the severity of unwanted forehead wrinkles.

On average, 25 units of Botox will completely correct the skin in the glabellar area and eliminate all 11 lines. The number of Botox units between the eyebrows and the eyes you need for the 11 lines depends on the intensity of the lines. Botox and Dysport can take up to two weeks each to take effect, so most injectors will have you wait until then to determine if you need further treatment. Routine injections are recommended for those looking to get the best results with a forehead injection.

Although the manufacturer suggests that there are only 5 sites to target, experienced neuromodulatory injectors are injected into many other areas of the forehead to get the smooth skin you're looking for. These injectors will target the horizontal and vertical wrinkles of the forehead line through injection points that the injector will strategically place on the forehead. Dysport IL is powerful enough to treat deeper glabellar lines, but it can also be used as a preventive treatment to delay the formation of glabellar lines between the eyebrows. For most patients, 50 to 60 units properly injected into the glabellar muscles and 35 to 50 in the forehead are needed to minimize their movement sufficiently.

Depending on the severity of your forehead wrinkles, you may need between 30 and 60 units of Dysport IL. If you've been thinking about using Dysport IL to erase forehead wrinkles, you might be wondering how much it takes to achieve your desired look. The number of units needed may vary depending on your routine injections scheduled with your healthcare provider. When administered to your forehead or other affected area, it prevents your target muscles from receiving all communication signals sent from your brain.

Penelope Mataalii
Penelope Mataalii

Unapologetic writer. Total twitter expert. General internet maven. Travel buff. Avid social media nerd.