Penelope Mataalii

Penelope Mataalii

Unapologetic writer. Total twitter expert. General internet maven. Travel buff. Avid social media nerd.

83 Articles Written
How Often Should You Get Dysport Treatments?

How Often Should You Get Dysport Treatments?

Generally speaking, most people receive Dysport treatments once every 90 to 120 days, or once every 3 or 4 months....

Which Injectable is Better for Glabella: Botox or Dysport?

Which Injectable is Better for Glabella: Botox or Dysport?

If you're looking to treat deep lines around the glabella, Dysport may be the ideal choice for you. On the other hand, if ...

Which Injectable is Best for You: Dysport, Jeuveau, Botox or Xeomin?

Which Injectable is Best for You: Dysport, Jeuveau, Botox or Xeomin?

When it comes to injectables, there are a variety of options available to help you maintain a youthful and radiant...

Is Dysport More Expensive Than Botox?

Is Dysport More Expensive Than Botox?

When it comes to treating wrinkles and fine lines, two of the most popular options are Botox and Dysport. Both of these...

What Can Go Wrong with Dysport Injections?

What Can Go Wrong with Dysport Injections?

Dysport is a popular injectable treatment used to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. It works by...

How Much Does 50 Units of Dysport Cover?

How Much Does 50 Units of Dysport Cover?

Dysport and Botox are two popular injectables used to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Both products are ...

How to Make Dysport Wear Off Faster

How to Make Dysport Wear Off Faster

If you're looking to make Dysport wear off faster, you may be out of luck. Unfortunately, there's no way to speed up the...

Which is Better for 11 Lines: Botox or Dysport?

Which is Better for 11 Lines: Botox or Dysport?

Common wrinkles around the eyes, such as 11 lines, can be treated with either Botox or Dysport. 11 lines are the two...

Can I Sleep on My Side After Dysport Treatment?

Can I Sleep on My Side After Dysport Treatment?

If you've recently had Dysport treatment, you should be aware of the importance of proper post-treatment care. To ensure...

Can Dysport Enhance Your Lips?

Can Dysport Enhance Your Lips?

The lip somersault is a treatment that involves injecting Dysport, an injectable similar to Botox, into the muscle just...

How Long Should You Sit Up After Dysport Treatment?

How Long Should You Sit Up After Dysport Treatment?

For optimal results, it is recommended that you remain upright for 4 to 6 hours after receiving Dysport treatment. This...

Does Dysport Change Your Face? A Comprehensive Guide

Does Dysport Change Your Face? A Comprehensive Guide

Almost as soon as you receive the injection, the muscles under the skin relax, giving you a smoother, smoother, and more...

How Long Should You Wait for Botox Touch-Up?

How Long Should You Wait for Botox Touch-Up?

When it comes to Botox, the general rule of thumb is to wait at least two weeks for a touch-up. However, it can take up...

Is Dysport as Good as Botox?

Is Dysport as Good as Botox?

Dysport is an excellent choice for those with moderate to severe lines between the eyebrows. Botox, on the other hand,...

Can You Get Dysport Touch-Ups?

Can You Get Dysport Touch-Ups?

After the initial Dysport treatment, some patients may need to wait up to 90 days before requiring a touch-up, while...

When Will Dysport Kick In? - An Expert's Guide

When Will Dysport Kick In? - An Expert's Guide

If you're looking for a way to reduce wrinkles and creases on your face, Dysport may be the perfect solution for you. But ...

Is Dysport More Natural Looking Than Botox?

Is Dysport More Natural Looking Than Botox?

Dysport is a smaller molecule than Botox, so although you may need more units of Dysport than Botox, Dysport is cheaper...

How Does Dysport Work? A Comprehensive Guide

How Does Dysport Work? A Comprehensive Guide

Neuromodulators such as Dysport are used to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and lines by relaxing the muscles around...

Can You Build Up a Tolerance to Dysport?

Can You Build Up a Tolerance to Dysport?

The truth is that when you receive consecutive treatments, your body can become tolerant to the neurotoxin, which can...

What Can 50 Units of Dysport Do For You?

What Can 50 Units of Dysport Do For You?

Several small injections of 10 to 15 units of Botox per eye or 30 to 50 units of Dysport can help relax muscles and...

What Happens When Botox and Dysport Don't Work?

What Happens When Botox and Dysport Don't Work?

If you've tried Botox and it hasn't given you the results you were hoping for, it's important to talk to your healthcare...

Which Injectable is Best for Lip Flip: Botox or Dysport?

Which Injectable is Best for Lip Flip: Botox or Dysport?

When it comes to achieving a lip flip, two of the most popular injectables are Botox and Dysport. Both are used to relax...

How Many Units of Dysport Do You Need for Forehead and 11s?

How Many Units of Dysport Do You Need for Forehead and 11s?

The amount of Dysport you need for your forehead and 11s varies depending on the depth of the wrinkles, the results you...

How Long Does Dysport Last in the Face?

How Long Does Dysport Last in the Face?

The final results for each patient will vary, but Dysport typically lasts 4 to 5 months after each treatment. There are...

How Long After Dysport Can I Nurse?

How Long After Dysport Can I Nurse?

For some women, the decision to wait up to 48 hours after receiving injections of Dysport, Botox, or Xeomin before...

Get the Best Results from Dysport Injections

Get the Best Results from Dysport Injections

Prolonged exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays can reverse the positive effects of any injectable treatment, so it's...

Is Dysport Safe When Breastfeeding?

Is Dysport Safe When Breastfeeding?

When it comes to breastfeeding, many mothers are concerned about the safety of certain medications and treatments. One...

Is Dysport European? A Comprehensive Guide

Is Dysport European? A Comprehensive Guide

Dysport (AbobotulinumToxin), a form of purified botulinum toxin, has been granted a positive review in Europe for...

Which Lasts Longer: Dysport or Botox?

Which Lasts Longer: Dysport or Botox?

On average, a Dysport injection will last three to four months, while a Botox treatment can last four to six. While both...

How Long Does Dysport Take to Relax Muscles?

How Long Does Dysport Take to Relax Muscles?

Most patients see the effects of Dysport within three days of the injection, and the injected muscle relaxes completely...

What to Do After Dysport Injections

What to Do After Dysport Injections

Dysport is a popular treatment option for those looking to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and lines on their forehead. ...

How Much Dysport is Needed to Achieve Desired Results?

How Much Dysport is Needed to Achieve Desired Results?

This varies depending on the depth of the wrinkles, the results you want to see, and your individual reaction to the...

Which is Stronger: Botox or Dysport?

Which is Stronger: Botox or Dysport?

The biggest difference between Botox and Dysport lies in their formulations. Dysport is much more diluted and spreads...

Can Dysport Help You Achieve the Perfect Lip Flip?

Can Dysport Help You Achieve the Perfect Lip Flip?

Achieving the perfect lips of your dreams doesn't have to involve fillers. With Dysport, you can get a subtle yet...

When Will Dysport Kick In? - An Expert's Perspective

When Will Dysport Kick In? - An Expert's Perspective

If you're looking for a way to reduce wrinkles and creases on your face, Dysport may be the perfect solution for you....

Does Dysport Make Your Skin Glow?

Does Dysport Make Your Skin Glow?

Dysport is an injectable treatment that relaxes the facial muscles responsible for creating dynamic wrinkles, giving your ...

Should Dysport Be Cheaper Than Botox?

Should Dysport Be Cheaper Than Botox?

When it comes to treating facial wrinkles and therapeutic uses, such as limb spasticity, there are two main options:...

How Much Does Dysport Cost? An Expert's Guide

How Much Does Dysport Cost? An Expert's Guide

When injected into the sweat glands, Dysport blocks the nerves that activate them and reduces excessive sweating. This...

How Much Dysport Do You Need for Forehead Wrinkles?

How Much Dysport Do You Need for Forehead Wrinkles?

This varies depending on the depth of the wrinkles, the results you want to see, and your individual reaction to the...

What Lasts Longer: Dysport or Botox?

What Lasts Longer: Dysport or Botox?

On average, a Dysport injection will last three to four months, while a Botox treatment can last four to six. While both...

Botox vs Dysport: Which is Cheaper and More Effective?

Botox vs Dysport: Which is Cheaper and More Effective?

When it comes to treating wrinkles, two of the most popular injectables are Botox and Dysport. Both are neuromodulators...

Do You Need Less Dysport Over Time?

Do You Need Less Dysport Over Time?

Botox injections have a composite effect, so patients can maintain their results with fewer injections over time....

Is Dysport a Better Option than Xeomin?

Is Dysport a Better Option than Xeomin?

Xeomin and Dysport are two of the most popular treatments for reducing the appearance of wrinkles. Botox is more specific ...

Does Dysport Not Work for Everyone?

Does Dysport Not Work for Everyone?

Your body may be developing resistance to its proteins, but this can only happen after a person has received many...

Which is Better for Glabellar Lines: Dysport or Botox?

Which is Better for Glabellar Lines: Dysport or Botox?

When it comes to treating glabellar lines, the lines between the eyebrows, Dysport is an excellent choice for those with...

Can Dysport Enhance Your Lips?

Can Dysport Enhance Your Lips?

A lip somersault with Dysport or Botox can help to amplify your natural shape and lips, while giving them a natural look. ...

Which is More Expensive: Botox or Dysport Injections?

Which is More Expensive: Botox or Dysport Injections?

When it comes to reducing wrinkles and lines, Botox and Dysport injections are two of the most popular treatments. Both...

Can Dysport Lose Its Effectiveness Over Time?

Can Dysport Lose Its Effectiveness Over Time?

It's possible for your body to become resistant to the proteins in Dysport, but this usually only happens after a person...

Does Dysport Last Longer Than Botox?

Does Dysport Last Longer Than Botox?

One of the most notable differences between Dysport and Botox is that Dysport tends to have faster results. Most results...

What is Better: Dysport or Botox Injections?

What is Better: Dysport or Botox Injections?

Dysport and Botox are two injectable derivatives of botulinum toxin A that are mainly used as cosmetic treatments for...

What are the Benefits of Dysport Injections?

What are the Benefits of Dysport Injections?

Dysport injections are a popular non-invasive treatment for wrinkles and fine lines. The active ingredient in Dysport is...

Why Does Dysport Take So Long to Work?

Why Does Dysport Take So Long to Work?

Dysport, along with similar products Botox and Xeomin, can take up to one week before they start to work optimally. This...

How Much Dysport is Needed for Crows Feet?

How Much Dysport is Needed for Crows Feet?

Botox and Dysport are both injectable treatments that can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles in...

Does Dysport Have Long-Term Effects?

Does Dysport Have Long-Term Effects?

When botulinum toxin is used correctly, the risk of complications is low. There are no long-term or life-threatening...

How Dysport Injections Work to Reduce Wrinkles

How Dysport Injections Work to Reduce Wrinkles

Neuromodulators such as Dysport are used to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and lines by relaxing the muscles around...

How Much Does Dysport Cost? An Expert's Guide

How Much Does Dysport Cost? An Expert's Guide

If you're looking for a way to reduce wrinkles and lines on your face, you may have heard of Botox and Dysport. Both are...

Is Dysport the Most Natural Looking Option for Wrinkles?

Is Dysport the Most Natural Looking Option for Wrinkles?

When it comes to reducing the appearance of wrinkles, many people are turning to Dysport as a more natural-looking...

Which Injectable is Safer: Botox or Dysport?

Which Injectable is Safer: Botox or Dysport?

The good news is that both Botox and Dysport are totally safe and approved by the FDA to treat wrinkles. That said, any...

When do Dysport Side Effects Disappear?

When do Dysport Side Effects Disappear?

Dysport (abobotulinumtoxin) is a popular injectable cosmetic that treats moderate to severe lines and wrinkles due to...

Does Botox or Dysport Last Longer?

Does Botox or Dysport Last Longer?

On average, a Dysport injection will last three to four months, while a Botox treatment can last four to six. Both use...

Why Choose Dysport Over Botox: An Expert's Perspective

Why Choose Dysport Over Botox: An Expert's Perspective

When it comes to treating wrinkles and fine lines, Botox and Dysport are two of the most popular options. But what are...

How to Make Dysport Last Longer

How to Make Dysport Last Longer

Prolonged exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays can reverse the positive effects of any injectable treatment, so it's...

Smoothing Out Frown Lines with Dysport

Smoothing Out Frown Lines with Dysport

Frown lines, or furrows in the skin between the eyebrows, are a natural result of facial expressions and movements. As we ...

What to Expect When You Get Dysport Injections

What to Expect When You Get Dysport Injections

Dysport injections are a popular non-surgical procedure used to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. The...

How Many Units of Dysport or Botox Do You Need for Your Forehead?

How Many Units of Dysport or Botox Do You Need for Your Forehead?

The amount of Dysport or Botox needed for your forehead depends on the severity of the wrinkles, the results you want to...

Can You Counteract Dysport? A Comprehensive Guide

Can You Counteract Dysport? A Comprehensive Guide

When it comes to Botox, there's both good news and bad news. The good news is that Botox is a procedure that produces...

How Long Does Dysport Last? Expert Advice on Botox and Dysport Injections

How Long Does Dysport Last? Expert Advice on Botox and Dysport Injections

The final results for each patient will vary, but Dysport typically lasts 4 to 5 months after each treatment. There are...

Where Does Dysport Work Best? A Comprehensive Guide

Where Does Dysport Work Best? A Comprehensive Guide

Dysport is a popular injectable treatment used to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines on the face. It is...

What Happens When Dysport Doesn't Work?

What Happens When Dysport Doesn't Work?

You may not have given it enough time for it to take effect. Your body may be developing resistance to its proteins, but...

Can You Use Dysport for Lip Lines?

Can You Use Dysport for Lip Lines?

A lip somersault with Dysport or Botox can amplify your natural shape and lips, while giving them a natural look. In...

Is Dysport or Botox Better for You?

Is Dysport or Botox Better for You?

When it comes to treating wrinkles, fine lines, and other signs of aging, Dysport and Botox are two of the most popular...

Who Should Not Receive Botox Injections: A Guide for Patients

Who Should Not Receive Botox Injections: A Guide for Patients

Botox injections are a popular procedure for eliminating facial wrinkles and giving you a fresh, youthful appearance....

When is the Best Time to Get a Dysport Touch-Up?

When is the Best Time to Get a Dysport Touch-Up?

When it comes to Dysport treatments, most experts recommend waiting at least 90 days between sessions for the neurotoxin...

What Does Dysport Do to Enhance Your Facial Appearance?

What Does Dysport Do to Enhance Your Facial Appearance?

Dysport is a popular injectable treatment used to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines on the face. It is...

Why You Shouldn't Lie Down After Dysport Injections

Why You Shouldn't Lie Down After Dysport Injections

To get the most out of your Dysport experience, it's important to avoid lying down for 4 to 6 hours after the procedure....

How Long Does Dysport Last Around the Mouth?

How Long Does Dysport Last Around the Mouth?

You can expect the effects of Dysport injections to last for around three to four months, depending on the area treated....

Does Allergan Make Dysport?

Does Allergan Make Dysport?

Dysport is a popular anti-wrinkle vaccine manufactured by the pharmaceutical company Galderma. It is approved by the Food ...